Retired Professor Prof. Dr. David G. Robinson
Ines Steins
Phone : 06221-54 5660
Telefax : 06221-54 6404
Selected publications
- Taiz L, Alkon D, Draguhn A, Murphy A, Blatt MR, Hawes C, Thiel G, Robinson DG (2019) Plants neither possess nor require consciousness. Trends Plant Sci. 24: 677-687
- Taiz L, Alkon D, Draguhn A, Murphy A, Blatt MR, Hawes C, Thiel G, Robinson DG (2020) Reply to Trewavas et al. and Calvo and Trewavas. Trends Plant Sci. 25: 218-210
- Robinson DG (2020) Plant Golgi Ultrastructure. J Microsc. 280: 111-121
- Robinson DG, Aniento F (2020) A model for ERD2 function in higher plants. Front Plant Science 11: Article 343
- Ivanov R, Robinson DG (2020) EMAC, retromer, and VSRs: do they connect? Protoplasma
- Draguhn A, Mallatt JM, Robinson DG (2021) Anesthetics and plants: no pain no gain, and therefore no consciousness. Protoplasma 285: 239-248
- Mallatt J, Taiz L, Draguhn A, Blatt MR, Robinson DG (2021) Integrated information theory does not make plant consciousness more convincing. Biochem Biophys Res Comm 564: 166-169
- Mallatt J, Blatt MR, Draguhn A, Robinson DG, Taiz L (2021) Debunking a myth: plant consciousness. Protoplasma 285: 459-476
- Robinson DG, Draguhn A (2021) Plants have neither synapses nor a nervous system. J Plant Physiol. 263: 15367
- Cheung AY, Cosgrove DJ, Hara-Nishimura I, Jürgens G, Lloyd C, Robinson DG, Staehelin LA, Weijers D (2021) A rich and bountiful harvest: key discoveries in plant cell biology. The Plant Cell 34: 285: 239-248
- Robinson DG, Blatt MR, Draguhn A, Taiz L, Mallatt J (2023) Plants lack the functional neurotransmitters and signaling pathways required for sentience in animals. Animal Sentience 461
- Mallat J, Robinson DG, Blatt MR, Draguhn A, Taiz L (2023) Plant sentience:The burden of proof. Animal Sentience 469
- Robinson DG, Ammer C, Polle A, Bauhus J, Aloni R, Annighöfer P, Baskin TI, Blatt MR, Bolte A, Bugmann H, Cohen JD, Davies PJ, Draguhn A, Hartmann H, Hasenauer H, Hepler PK, Kohnle U, Lang F, Löf M, Messier C, Munné-Bosch S, Murphy A, Puettmann KJ, Quiroz Marchant I, Raven PH, Robinson D, Sanders D, Seidel D, Schwechheimer C, Spathelf P, Steer M, Taiz L, Wagner S, Henriksson N, Näsholm T (2024) Mother trees, altruistic fungi, and the perils of plant personification. Trends in Plant Science 29: 20-31
- Aniento F, Robinson DG (2024) Does the KDEL receptor cycle between the Golgi and the ER? Nature Comm. 15:2456
- Robinson DG, Mallatt J, Peer WA, Sourjik V, Taiz L (2024) Cell consciousness: a dissenting opinion. EMBO Rep.
- Blatt MR, Draguhn A, Taiz L, Robinson DG (2024) A challenge to claims for mycorrhizal-transmitted wound signaling. Plant Signaling & Behavior 18:1, 2222957
- Blatt MR, Pullum GK, Draguhn A, Bowman B, Robinson DG, Taiz L (2024) Does electrical activity in fungi function as a language. Fungal Ecology