Maps and directions
COS Heidelberg - a decentralized center.
COS is located on Heidelberg University's “Neuenheimer Feld” campus where you can find most of its life science and natural science research institutions. Our research groups work in a total of eight buildings, with the six floors of the INF230 building being the most prominent. Intensive remodeling is still going on in several of our sites so access restrictions and detours are prone to happen. Please contact the person you are about to visit to inquire about any exceptions.

Detailed driving directions
To Heidelberg by car:
From Autobahn A5 change to Autobahn A656 at Interchange Heidelberg or at Interchange Mannheim if coming from A6.
Connections at Heidelberg main station:
Heidelberg is connected to German Railways Intercity-Network. Information about railway connections to Heidelberg can be obtained from the Website of the "Deutsche Bahn".
Directions to the “Neuenheimer Feld”
By car:
Coming from the Autobahn A656: At the first traffic light after leaving the Autobahn turn left to “Chirurgie”, cross the Neckar on the "Ernst-Walz-bridge", then turn left to the institutes.
Coming from Neckargemünd: follow the riverside on the right side of the Neckar, turn right into "Posseltstraße", then turn right into “Berliner Straße” or straight into "Jahnstraße". Turn left to the institutes from “Im Neuenheimer Feld”.
Public local traffic:
The “RNV” provides an overview of bus and tramway lines in Heidelberg.
From the “Uniplatz” in the old town use bus line 31/32.
From the Main station use bus line 31/32 or tramway lines 21 or 24.
Bus/tramway stops:
INF 230, 267 and 504: “Bunsengymnasium” (bus or tramway)
INF 340, 345, 360: “Botanischer Garten” (bus only)
Bus stop “Botanischer Garten”
The bus stop “Botanischer Garten” isn't serviced anymore from Oct. 2nd 2023 due to construction work. Please use “Campus Neuenheimer Feld” instead.