Hell Lab Teaching
The general teaching approach of the Department of Molecular Biology of Plants in theoretical education aims at an integrated view of plants as attractive model organisms for many basic questions in molecular biology and major players in human nutrition and global ecology. Practical training aims at hands-on experience, early contact with molecular and biochemical techniques and broad applicability in research.
The department of is involved in teaching of most studies offered by the Faculty of Biosciences. This refers to B.Sc. Biosciences, M.Sc. Molecular Biosciences, B.Sc. and M.Sc. Molecular Biotechnology, B.Sc. Biochemistry, school teachers programme and graduate education. In these studies the work for final theses can be carried out.

Teaching of undergraduates takes place in basic lectures in plant biology (Grundvorlesung) and plant molecular biology and biotechnology (Zyklusvorlesung). This knowledge is extended in practical courses in plant physiology, introduction into modern techniques (Grundkurse; both in winter term), RNAi (Kurs) and protein biochemistry (HP-E2; both during summer term). Seminars at introductory and advanced B.Sc. levels are offered in winter and summer terms. In addition, individual laboratory practicals (HP-L) in the areas of plant physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology at different levels and for the before listed studies are offered upon appointment.
Activities in M.Sc. studies refer to the Major programme ‘Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology of Plants’ and ‘Ecology and Evolution’ of the M.Sc. Molecular Biosciences where lectures, practical courses, individual practicals seminars and tutorials are offered.
Graduate education of PhD students is another large part of teaching. It takes place in the excellence-funded school HBIGS, the COS graduate programme and the Marie Curie International Training Network ‘BioNut’ and refers to lectures, technique-oriented practicals and internships in industry and with international research partners.