Schmeil Foundation at COS
The Schmeil foundation supports COS early career scientists through three awards:
- Schmeil Award for graduate research in organismal biology
- Schmeil Award for undergraduate research in organismal biology
- Schmeil Travel Award for PhD and master students.
Schmeil Award for graduate research in organismal biology
The Schmeil Award for graduate research recognise excellent PhD students who are either still working on their thesis or have finished very recently (i.e. within 12 months of the call date). There are two awards for organismal studies of high research quality.
The award money is 1.000 Euro. The award will be wired to the recipient's bank account.
Eligibility and selection criteria
The major part of the PhD thesis should have been done at COS. Scientific quality is a prerequisite, but candidates' promising personality and outreach activities are also important.
Candidates can self-nominate or be nominated by any COS research group leaders. The nomination should comprise (in one pdf file):
- A motivated description of the candidate's achievements, including references of publications (two pages max.)
- In case of self nomination, a statement of support from the PhD advisor
- CV of the candidate.
Since the award is interdisciplinary, a description of the achievements should be written in a more general and comprehensible way.
Selection procedure
The award committee will consist of four COS FGL members who have not nominated a candidate.
Deadline for application
June 30th of each year. Per email to schmeil.awards@cos.uni-heidelberg.de
Award ceremony
The award ceremony will take place in July and feature a presentation of the awardee's research.
Schmeil Award for undergraduate research in organismal biology
The Schmeil Award for undergraduate research recognises excellent MSc thesis that have been completed within 12 months of the call date. There are two awards for organismal studies of high research quality.
The award money is 500 Euro. The award will be wired to the recipient's bank account.
Eligibility and selection criteria
Eligible candidates are enrolled in the molecular Biosciences Master Program and part of either the Development & Stem Cells or Molecular and applied Plant Science majors. The master thesis should have been carried out at COS. Scientific quality is a prerequisite.
All examiners of the Development & Stem Cells or Molecular and applied Plant Science majors research group leaders are entitled to suggest candidates. The nomination should comprise (in one pdf file):
- Motivated description of the achievements of the candidate (one-page max)
- CV of the candidate
Since the award is interdisciplinary, a description of the achievements should be written in a more general and comprehensible way.
Selection procedure
The award committee will consist of four COS FGL members who have no conflict of interest with the candidates.
Deadline for application
June 30th of each year. Per email to schmeil.awards@cos.uni-heidelberg.de
Award ceremony
The award ceremony will take place in July and feature a presentation of the awardee's research.
Schmeil travel award for PhD and master students
The Schmeil travel award supports attendance of COS master and PhD students to scientific conferences and workshops as well as research stays.
The award will cover expenses (registration, travel, accommodation) up to 500€.
Eligibility and selection criteria
COS PhD students and master students (enrolled in the Development & Stem Cells or Molecular and applied Plant Science majors). Relevance of the travel for the scientific objectives of the applicant is essential.
Students apply directly. Applications consist of a description of the travel planned (research stay, conference or workshop), the costs to be covered and the applicant CV (all in one PDF).
Applications should ideally be submitted before the travel but can also be submitted afterwards.
Selection procedure
Applications are reviewed by COS FGL members without conflict of interest with the applicant.
Deadline for application
Ongoing. Applications are reviewed continuously. Applications are to be sent to schmeil.awards@cos.uni-heidelberg.de