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Schmeil Awards Laureates
2024 Graduate awards
- Jasmin Onistschenko (Centanin) | Stem cell homeostasis in medaka neuromasts – Keratin 15 as a regulator of proliferation
- Marcel Piepers (Maizel) | Growth axis development during lateral root organogenesis
- Bettina Welz (Wittbrodt) | Discovery and functional validation of Gene x Environment interactions on medaka heart rate in response to temperature

2024 Undergraduate awards
- Sarina Jabbusch (Koch) | High phenotypic variability and clonality - the adaptation potential of Tillandsia landbeckii under changing environmental conditions
- Tim Lang (I. Lohmann) | Investigating the effect of signaling on cell state dynamics | (not present)
- Sujay Raj (Acebron) | Role of WNT signalling in genome stability in early mouse development

2024 Travel Awards
- Bettina Welz (Wittbrodt) | Research stay in Japan & Conference in New York (April-May 2024)
- Christina Schlagheck (Wittbrodt) | Cell Symposia: Engineering Development and Disease in Organoids in San Diego (August 2024)
- Rashi Agarwal (Wittbrodt) | Indian society of developmental biologists meeting (February 2024)
- Verena Kaul (Lemke) | Forces across scales meeting in Porto, Portugal (6-8 March 2024)
- Xiaomin Liu (Greb) | National Conference of Plant Stem Cell Biology in Wuhan (Nov 2024)
2023 Graduate awards
Jiaxin Zhong (Rausch) | Stress-induced degradation of inulin in Cichorium intybus: Exploring the transcriptional regulation of fructan 1-exohydrolases

2023 Undergraduate awards
- Urška Knez Štibler (özbek) | The glycoprotein NOWA facilitates tubule invagination during nematocyst development
- Ron Eric Stein (Koch) | Reticulate evolution in sympatrically growing species of epiarenic Tillandsia in Camaná, southern Peru: a case study
2023 Travel awards
- Kaisa Pakari (Wittbrodt) | GfE-JSDB and Annual Meeting of the Japanese society of Developmental Biologists