
AG GrebGroup members

What it's like to be a scientist?

Within the course of the Bertalanffy podcast, postdoc Theresa Schlamp and group leader Thomas Greb talk about their career, personal challenges and how to achieve a healthy work-life balance when working as a scientist (in German).

Alumni (past five years)

Aylin Haas, DSMZBraunschweig, Germany

Theresa Schlamp, ifeuHeidelberg, Germany

Alexandra Zakieva, Yannick Schwab groupEMBL, Heidelberg, Germany

Dongbo ShiGroup leader, University of Potsdam, Germany

Nina Tonn, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-HolsteinKiel, Germany

Dmitry Richter, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General HospitalBoston, US

Jiyan QiResearch group leader, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an Shaanxi, China

Eva-Sophie Wallner, Liam Dolan labVienna, Austria

Hyunwoo Cho, Research group leader, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea