Kummer lab Dr. Sven Sahle
Im Neuenheimer Feld 267
69120 Heidelberg
Fon +49 6221 54-51272
Fax +49 6221 54-51483

Methods in computational systems biology
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Selected publications
- Hübner K, Sahle S, Kummer U. (2011). Applications and trends in systems biology in biochemistry. FEBS J.278(16):2767-857.
- Waltemath D, Adams R, Beard DA, Bergmann FT, Bhalla US, Britten R, Chelliah V, Cooling MT, Cooper J, Crampin EJ, Garny A, Hoops S, Hucka M, Hunter P, Klipp E, Laibe C, Miller AK, Moraru I, Nickerson D, Nielsen P, Nikolski M, Sahle S, Sauro HM, Schmidt H, Snoep JL, Tolle D, Wolkenhauer O, Le Novère N. (2011). Minimum Information About a Simulation Experiment (MIASE). PLoS Comput Biol.7(4):e1001122.
- Maiwald T, Schneider A, Busch H, Sahle S, Gretz N, Weiss TS, Kummer U, Klingmüller U. (2010). Combining theoretical analysis and experimental data generation reveals IRF9 as a crucial factor for accelerating interferon α-induced early antiviral signalling. FEBS J.277(22):4741-54.
- Le Novère N, Hucka M, Mi H, Moodie S, Schreiber F, Sorokin A, Demir E, Wegner K, Aladjem MI, Wimalaratne SM, Bergman FT, Gauges R, Ghazal P, Kawaji H, Li L, Matsuoka Y, Villéger A, Boyd SE, Calzone L, Courtot M, Dogrusoz U, Freeman TC, Funahashi A, Ghosh S, Jouraku A, Kim S, Kolpakov F, Luna A, Sahle S, Schmidt E, Watterson S, Wu G, Goryanin I, Kell DB, Sander C, Sauro H, Snoep JL, Kohn K, Kitano H. (2009). The Systems Biology Graphical Notation. Nat Biotechnol.27(8):735-41.
- Surovtsova I, Simus N, Lorenz T, König A, Sahle S, Kummer U. (2009). Accessible methods for the dynamic time-scale decomposition of biochemical systems. Bioinformatics.25(21):2816-23.
- Mendes P, Hoops S, Sahle S, Gauges R, Dada J, Kummer U. (6. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;500:17-59. ). Computational modeling of biochemical networks using COPASI. 6. Methods Mol Biol. 2009;500:17-59.
- Sahle S, Mendes P, Hoops S, Kummer U. (2008). A new strategy for assessing sensitivities in biochemical models. Philos Transact A Math Phys Eng Sci.366(1880):3619-31.
- Weidemann A, Richter S, Stein M, Sahle S, Gauges R, Gabdoulline R, Surovtsova I, Semmelrock N, Besson B, Rojas I, Wade R, Kummer U. (2008). SYCAMORE--a systems biology computational analysis and modeling research environment. Bioinformatics.24(12):1463-4.
- Hoops S, Sahle S, Gauges R, Lee C, Pahle J, Simus N, Singhal M, Xu L, Mendes P, Kummer U. (2006). COPASI--a COmplex PAthway SImulator. Bioinformatics.22(24):3067-74.
- Gauges R, Rost U, Sahle S, Wegner K. (2006). A model diagram layout extension for SBML. Bioinformatics.22(15):1879-85.
- Baier G, Sahle S. (1998). Homogeneous and Spatio-temporal Chaos in Biochemical Reactions With Feedback Inhibition. J Theor Biol.193(2):233-242.
- Baier G, Sahle S. (1995). Design of hyperchaotic flows. Phys Rev E Stat Phys Plasmas Fluids Relat Interdiscip Topics.51(4):R2712-R2714.