Molecular and Applied Plant Sciences major Students
Heidelberg is home to a very active community of plant researchers that are based at the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS). All researchers involved in MAPS are world renowned leaders in their fields and addresses the global challenges of food security, green technology and climate change. The range of topics studied is wide: sulfur biochemistry, cell wall biology, cellular transport and trafficking systems, stem cell behaviour, root development and plant defences. In this research environment, MAPS has developed into an internationally distinguished master program that provides students from around the world with a high-level education at one of the leading universities in Germany. The MAPS curriculum covers a broad spectrum of topics and is integrally taught in English. The program is focused on intensive stays in the labs. Already by the second semester students spend most of their time actively doing research. The lectures and practical allow students to study the biochemistry, cell biology, physiology or developmental biology of plants using advanced equipment for high-end microscopy, genomics, transcriptomics and metabolomics. A key strength of the program is the international network of academic and industrial host labs that the program has built over the years. This offers many opportunities to our students to discover an even wider range of topics and methodologies.
Class of 2024

- Hanna Bindrich
- Cenk Tiner
- Seydin Gönül
- Ceyda Ekin Hazir
- Henrike Plötner
- Nic Schmidt
- Steven Schupp
- Batuhan Uysal
- Jana Wagner
Class of 2023

- Anna Jasmine Kokino
- Edwyn Locke Beviá
- Valentin Rebernig
- Robin Schweikert
- Stefanie Thomas